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News Analyzer

Our product News Analyzer automatically collects relevant Bitcoin information and news every 60 minutes. We then use ChatGPT to analyze the latest news we receive.
You can access it by clicking the button below!

(GMT Time Zone)

What does the news rank score indicate?

The news rank score is an AI-generated score (by ChatGPT) that evaluates the latest Bitcoin news from various media sources based on the news' influence on Bitcoin's price, updated hourly.


The score ranges from 20 (highly advantageous to Bitcoin's price) to -10 (highly disadvantageous to Bitcoin's price). The mean rank score above represents the average of different news items across media sources.

How can I use that?

To use the news rank score, simply follow the score to make buying or selling decisions. Specifically, compare the score change from the previous hour and pay attention to scores above, below or on the 0 line, which typically reflect price changes in the following hours. Use this information to make short-term buying or selling decisions in Bitcoin. You can also automate trading based on this index.


Below is the directory for interpreting the scores:

(-20) - (-16): OMG, just sell it!

(-15) - (-11): The price may be at risk of plummeting; be aware of this.

(-10) - (-6): In the next few hours, the Bitcoin price may face a significant decrease.

(-5) - (-1): In the next few hours, the Bitcoin price may face a small decrease.

0: The news collected does not show a noticeable impact on the Bitcoin price or could not access by AI.

1 - 5: In the next few hours, the Bitcoin price may face a slight increase.

6 - 10: In the next few hours, the Bitcoin price may face a large increase.

11 - 15: The price may experience a boost. Catch the opportunity!

16 - 20: OHHHH! To the Moon!

News for the current hour










Other indicators

Price Chart

Historical and current prices of Bitcoin

Technical Analysis

Technical indicators generate buy/sell orders based on different time frames.
For information on how to read technical indicators, please click "View More".

Economic Data

For economic data, we recommend focusing on high-impact news with three bars.
To learn more about how economic data can influence market conditions, please click "View More".

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